Vpn Ssl Client For Mac

  1. Snap Vpn For Windows
  2. Vpn Client For Mac
  3. Download Cisco Ssl Vpn Client
  4. Sophos Ssl Vpn Mac Client
Thin Client

Cyberoam SSL VPN client helps the user remotely access the corporate network from anywhere, anytime. It provides the ability to create point-to-point encrypted tunnels between remote user and the organization’s Internal network. A combination of SSL certificates and username/password is required to get a secure access. Viscosity is a first class VPN client, providing everything you need to establish fast and secure OpenVPN connections on both macOS and Windows. Viscosity caters to both users new to VPNs and experts alike, providing secure and reliable VPN connections. L2TP VPN configuration on Mac OS X. DESCRIPTION: SonicWall has the functionality to allow remote users to connect to the network behind the SonicWall using L2TP inbuilt client on MAC OS X using IPSEC VPN protocol. This article focuses on configuration of L2TP VPN on MAC OS X clients to connect to SonicWall UTM appliances.


Cyberoam’s General Authentication Client is the standalone application for Cyberoam Identity-based UTM appliances. It authenticates users with Cyberoam integrated with local or external authentication servers. Users can manually input the username and password for authentication and would be able to save the credentials for auto login during computer boot process. Users those are not part of domain and wish to get authenticated by Cyberoam integrated with Windows Domain would be able to use this client application.

For OS compatibility matrix, please click here

Download General Authentication Client

For SSL VPN, Zyxel SecuExtender provides auto-client connectivity for Windows and easy client connectivity for Mac systems. For IPSec VPN, Zyxel IPSec VPN client enables fast 3-step connection wizard that highly improve the user experience and let VPN connection is no longer a daunting task. SSL-VPN Security Fabric Telemetry Compliance Enforcement Web Filtering IPSec VPN Application Firewall 2-Factor Authentication Vulnerability Scan WAN Optimization On-net detection for auto-VPN Rebranding Anti-Exploit.

OSInstallerCompatible CR VersionRelease NotesRelated KB Articles
WindowsCR Client build 739 onwardsClick HereInstall and Configure
For prior versions of Cyberoam, please install CR Client
Linux1CR Client 1.0AnyN/AInstall and Configure
MACCR Client 1.0.0AnyN/AInstall and Configure
AndroidCR Android Client 1.5.1110.01.0 build 667 onwardsClick HereInstall and Configure
iOSApple iTunes10.6.1 onwardsN/AInstall and Configure

1 : This client will also work for Linux OS only with the “Desktop Effects” disabled, which is built-in functionality of Fedora for special effects.

Cyberoam Authentication for Thin Client (CATC) for Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008 & 2012 Remote Desktop Services (formerly Terminal Services)

CATC for Active Directory as name indicates is for authenticating all the users connected to Cyberoam either through Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (formerly Terminal Services) or Citrix XenApp (formerly known as Citrix Presentation Server). The installer – Cyberoam Authentication for Thin Client (CATC), allows thin clients connected to a Windows or Citrix Server to be authenticated and monitored by Cyberoam.

For OS compatibility matrix, please click here

InstallerCompatible Cyberoam VersionRelease Notes
CATC build 739 onwardsClick Here
For prior versions of Cyberoam, please install CATC Its release notes can be found here.

Cyberoam Transparent Authentication Suite (CTAS) is the Clientless Single Sign On (SSO) for Cyberoam Identity-based UTM appliances. It authenticates users to access multiple applications through a single username and password. It also eliminates the installation of SSO clients on each workstation and delivers a high level of protection.

By eliminating the need to remember different passwords for each application, CTAS delivers high ease-of-use to end-users, higher levels of security in addition to lowering operational costs.

CTAS Benefits

  • Eliminates password-fatigue
  • Lowers operational costs for client installation
  • Lowers help desk calls for lost or forgotten passwords
  • Enhances security by eliminating the chance of loss of multiple usernames and passwords

All the applications are supported as per the application access policy within Cyberoam UTM. Re-authentication is not required in order to access these applications. The users from Active Directory or Novell eDirectory can be authenticated.

For OS compatibility matrix, please click here

InstallerCompatible CR VersionRelease NotesRelated KB Articles
CTAS Build 473 onwardsClick here Implement Clientless SSO for
– Single AD Domain Controller
– Multiple AD Domain Controller
Install Novell eDirectory Compatible CTAS
For prior versions of Cyberoam, please install client Its release notes can be found here.

Cyberoam IPSec VPN client is a software for Windows that allows establishing secure connections over the Internet between a remote user and the Corporate Intranet. IPSec is one of the most secure ways to connect to the enterprise as it provides strong user authentication, strong tunnel encryption with ability to cope with existing network and firewall settings.

Where most of the competitors are hardware dependant, Cyberoam IPSec VPN Client is interoperable and compatible with all VPN IPSec compliant gateways and runs on 2008(32, 64 bits), 2011, XP (32,64 bits), Vista(32, 64 bits), Windows 7(32, 64 bits), Windows 8(32, 64 bits) workstations.

Cyberoam solution auto generates the configuration file for the VPN client, eliminating the need for technical know-how and simplifying configuration. Cyberoam IPSec VPN delivers secure, encrypted tunnels with high performance and low bandwidth requirements.

Cyberoam provides a simple interface with which setting up a VPN does not remain a painful task.

Snap Vpn For Windows

For OS compatibility matrix, please click here

IPSec VPN Client Manual Software Activation– Installation Guide
– Configuration Guide
Release Notes

Cyberoam SSL VPN client helps the user remotely access the corporate network from anywhere, anytime. It provides the ability to create point-to-point encrypted tunnels between remote user and the organization’s Internal network. A combination of SSL certificates and username/password is required to get a secure access.

Vpn Client For Mac

Remote users can be given Identity-based secure access of resources deployed in the Internal network, or can access the Internet through the VPN tunnel thus extending Cyberoam’s Layer 8 security.

Download Cisco Ssl Vpn Client

For OS compatibility matrix, please click here

Sophos Ssl Vpn Mac Client

Cyberoam Version
Release NotesRelated Documents
Windows 10SSL VPN 1010.6.3 onwardsClick hereInstallation &
Configuration Guide
Windows XP,
(For prior versions of Cyberoam, please install SSL VPN Its release notes can be found here.)